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Windows Digital Signage-Warranty


Warranty Check

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Product Information 1

Thank you for purchasing our company's product. The warranty period for our products is one year from the date of purchase.

During the warranty period, if the product malfunctions due to normal use, we will provide free repair services or replacement products.

However, the following reasons for malfunction are not covered under warranty:

  • Damage caused by natural disasters, force majeure events, abnormal operation, or human-induced damage (such as liquid intrusion, casing, or screen breakage, etc.).
  • User tampering or damage to the warranty seal.
  • Any errors or improper installation, maintenance, service, repair, alteration, or modification not included in the product's usage instructions, not supported by official written documents, not included in the product manual's operational instructions, or not following standard maintenance procedures will void the warranty.
  • Product damage due to natural disasters, misuse, abuse, negligence, accidents, natural wear and tear, improper weather conditions (including but not limited to, electrical shock, water damage, exposure to high temperatures), or lack of regular maintenance.
  • Alteration, defacement, or removal of the product's model and serial numbers.
  • Surface damage or scratches to the product.
  • This warranty only covers the hardware included in the company's original packaging and does not include preloaded software, other accessories (such as transformers, cables, batteries, brackets, wheels, gifts, etc.), or customer-installed software and hardware.
  • LCD screen damage is not covered by the warranty.
  • User-initiated repairs or hardware modifications through unauthorized third parties.
  • Damage, inability to identify, or inconsistency of the warranty serial number sticker with the machine's specifications.
  • Protection of data within the machine's hard drive.
  • Consumable items (such as transformers, cables, batteries, brackets, wheels, etc.).
  • The warranty rights are explicitly waived by the seller or asset liquidator when the product is resold in the future.
  • Warranty is not applicable to any non-product hardware, software not related to the sale of product hardware packaging, or products purchased from unauthorized distributors or sales channels.
  • Damage caused during transportation.
  • Any other damages unrelated to product design defects, flaws, or raw materials.

New Product Fault Replacement Procedure:

  • Hardware faults that occur within seven days of purchase and are not caused by human factors
  • The original packaging, accessories, gifts, and original purchase invoice must be retained.
  • Submit an application to the original purchasing agent or distributor.
  • After the failure phenomenon is confirmed by authorized engineers of the company to be a hardware failure, a new machine replacement can be arranged through the purchasing agent or distributor.

During the Warranty Period

  • Product services during the warranty period are free, but do not include accessories (such as transformers) or damage caused by natural disasters (such as water damage).
  • The product, along with the repair form, is delivered to the company, and the shipping fee is borne by the customer.
  • The shipping fee for returning the repaired product to the customer is borne by the company.

Outside the Warranty Period

  • The company will charge a testing fee (USD 30), repair fee, parts fee, etc.
  • The testing fee is charged for situations beyond the warranty period or caused by human damage. After testing by the company's repair center, if the test results are normal or if the customer decides not to repair, the testing fee will not extend the warranty period.
  • The product, along with the repair form, is delivered to the company for testing, and the shipping fee is borne by the customer.
  • The company will provide a quotation to the customer first, and the customer decides whether to pay for the repair.
  • If the customer requires repairs, they must transfer the funds to the company's designated account. The shipping fee for returning the repaired product to the customer will be borne by the company.
  • If the customer chooses not to repair, they must retrieve the product themselves. If shipping assistance is required, the shipping fee will be borne by the customer.
  • • After the faulty product is repaired, the company will notify the customer via email for payment. The customer is required to make the payment within 30 days from the notification date, and the company is not responsible for storage beyond this period.